I tried this but it didnt work to well.. I might have missed some step though.
Ok, so here is my status:
1. I have installed the template on localhost, it seams to work fine, besides from it linking to the Gavick Demo site a lot.
2. I tried to connect to Virtuemart, but get an admin login window where i cannot login.
3. I tried the above mentioned code change. First, my file is not called, virtuemart.cfg, but virtuemart.cfg.php. After opening this, the codes i find is not
http://project.gavick.com/dziudek, but
http://demo.gavick.com/joomla15. And when i change this to my local host address, nothing works in the virtue mart section.
I really hope the documentation is coming out soom, cause this is confusing for novice people like myself