if possible, I would like to receive a support for "joomla 1.5 template MyStore".
My problem is the following:
I need to use a "part of the template MyStore" for navigation and mobile.
More specifically, I use the "template eShop" (for joomla 1.5) and by default when users reach the site from mobile, the site responds by offering the display of the "Template MyStore"(mobile).
By the way the problem that I have not been able to solve is the following.
When by mobile (viewing the mobile version of MyStore) I want to see the Desktop version, the site, instead, direct me to a site with the default "template" (eShop) making me see the desktop version of MyStore.
I want to change the "template MyStore", making sure that, instead of the button "desktop version", it must be chosen the template configured by the administration, that is, the default template (eShop) or other .
I found the files involved but do not know the syntax that I should use.
thanks for the support.