I love the Gavick templates and I'm wondering how to expand the following:
I have the corporate2 template on a 1.6 installation...I want to expand the style options from the 4 provided (Red, Blue, Green & Neutral)...Basically I want them to be
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6
Division 7
Division 8
Instead of the Red, Blue, etc....Where do I change the names of these list items? I have gone in to the XML and changed it there but it's pulling from somewhere and I can't seem to find out where...I've gone all through the code and the DB
I need to know where this is pulling from if possible...
Attached is a screen shot of the admin drop down after I made the changes to the XML...I need to find the settings for the new areas and change them...but I don't know where they are located...
I hope that is clear....Thanks!