Here is the work-around I used:
[*]1. Set my template to standard font in the Joomla template manager.
[*]2. Downloaded Cufon version 1.09i from this site,
[*]3. The file is named cufon-yui.js.
[*]4. Renamed cufon.js to cufon.old in my /public_html/templates/gk_corporte2/js folder on my server.
[*]5. Uploaded cufon-yui.js to my /public_html/templates/gk_corporte2/js server folder.
[*]6. Renamed cufon-yui.js to cufon.js on my server.
[*]7. Re-enabled Cufon fonts in Joomla template manager.
Cufon fonts now appear in BOTH IEv8 and IEv9, which is the ONLY browser (flavors) I was having a problem with. However, the title space (height) in my articles is still too low to display the Cufon fonts completely. The lowercase hanging characters like "g, j, p, q, and y" are cut off at the bottom. Please assist regarding this.