I've installed Corporate2 Version 2.0.14 and I've turned off "Show mainbody on frontpage" as you can see in the image here http://awesomescreenshot.com/0d5b8mb07. Even though "The parameter file /templates/gk_corporate2/params.ini" shows unwritable!, I've checked params.ini file and it seems to be set to off, see: frontpage=0 mainbody_pos=0.
I've also published a custom HTML module in position "mainbody" as suggested by Seichinha here: 87-corporate-2/57654-mainbody-wont-turn-off.html#57775
You can see the module published in "mainbody" here: http://awesomescreenshot.com/066b8ms09
Even with these settings, Mainbody component is still showing in Frontage as you can see here: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0c1b8mya8
Can someone help me with this one?