Sorry to reply to this thread, but I got this one as well, and switching error reporting off isn't a fix, it's just an easy way to hide the error.
I guess you are using the Social API? And have chosen not to exclude any categories? At least that's when I got the same error.
Did some debugging and if you check the $excluded_articles array it contains data even if the field is empty, just an empty string inside an array, but it's there so it is not NULL or a none existing array which the in_array functions that throws the error is looking for.
What I did to solve this was to go into the gk.framework.php file and find the getParam for $excluded_categories:
- Code: Select all
$excluded_articles = explode(',', $this->getParam('excluded_arts', ''));
$excluded_categories = $this->getParam('excluded_cats', '');
and changed it into:
- Code: Select all
$excluded_articles = explode(',', $this->getParam('excluded_arts', ''));
$excluded_categories = $this->getParam('excluded_cats', array(''));
At least this made it work without having suppressing the error by switching error reporting off. That way I can have error reporting active while I continue to hunt for other errors without seeing this error anymore.
Hope this change or something like it will be done in the gk.framework.php file in the future so that we don't have to get this error again..
Tried using explode for categories as it's done for articles, but that didn't help, just made the social API buttons show up everywhere disregarding the selected categories when selecting any.