I am considering using Corporate 2 on one of my websites, but I need the advanced user ACL that Joomla 1.6 has. So I'm thinking about migrating Corporate 2 to J!1.6. I believe that Gavick team has a lot work now working on the Gavern and exploring J!1.6 themselves. So I'm wondering if there are others who are willing to use Corporate 2 with J!1.6? Maybe we could work together? So far I've managed to update userdetails.xml, error.php and am looking into css changes and various functions used in this template.
One of the errors I get is:
- Code: Select all
Fatal error: Class 'JParameter' not found in /public_html/beta/templates/gk_corporate2/libs/gk.template.helper.php on line 665
Anybody has an idea about this one? I believe we have to add declaration for JParameter to be visible..
Edit: Ok, adding
- Code: Select all
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'libraries'.DS.'joomla'.DS.'html'.DS.'parameter.php' );
helped. The template is loading on J!1.6