hello, I am installing the Corp 2 Template, without any "mods" . I am simply trying to use Page 8 of the PDF CORP 2 instructions.
on step 12, "Copy Jcomments style from rest_package zip folder and select "gk_sytle" as template (inside Layout setting)"
I have the "gk_style" folder. it has a list of .css files.
in Jcommnets the the address is :The template assigns design and layout of comments.
Templates directory path: /components/com_jcomments/tpl/
the "owner" is set to 48, so chmod is not allowed.
in the quick set up on my local host, it offers the choice of "gk_style" on my site install its stuck on default.
how do I get the "style" content and is the entire directory to be installed "each file" just the "style?"
I have tried chmod on the tpl folder/files and it is restricted to "owner" and will not allow the file to xfer via ftp