Hi, can anyone suggest a Re-Captcha plugin to work with the gk_register module of this template? Or some other alternative to avoid spammers from registering every so often?
Thank you!
<p class="form_buttons"><span class="btn"><button class="button validate" type="submit"><?php echo JText::_('REGISTER'); ?></button></span></p>
global $mainframe;
//set the argument below to true if you need to show vertically( 3 cells one below the other)
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onShowOSOLCaptcha', array(true));
<p class="form_buttons"><span class="btn"><button class="button validate" type="submit"><?php echo JText::_('REGISTER'); ?></button></span></p>
<input type="button" name="send" value="<?php echo $VM_LANG->_('SEND_BUTTON') ?>" class="button" onclick="validateEnquiryForm()" />
<?php global $mainframe;
//set the argument below to true if you need to show vertically( 3 cells one below the other)
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onShowOSOLCaptcha', array(false));?>
<div id="gk_recaptcha"></div>
JFactory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('onShowOSOLCaptcha', array(true));
Wil wrote:For those who want to apply this plugin in Joomla 1.7, put this where the ReCaptcha must be visible!
- Code: Select all
<div id="gk_recaptcha"></div>
JFactory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('onShowOSOLCaptcha', array(true));