I've had a few problems with my site since the upgrade of corporate 2. Newest issue is the typography is not showing anywhere on my pages. This page will show you how it is not appearing.
http://tannerprince.com/personal-insura ... afety-tips
<p class="gk_tips3">tips3</p>
<p class="gk_audio">audio</p>
<div class="gk_code1">code1</div>
<ul class="gk_bullet4">
Please try to use this file:
The classes for typography in text do not have "gk_" prefix, the newly added text should have this classes if typo dlugin was upgraded too. SO the best solution is to compare two files this one I'm sending You and the one You already have. Just copy the whole file at the end of Your typo.css file. [file name=typo-20100609.zip size=3458]http://www.gavick.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/files/typo-20100609.zip[/file]