mod_news_pro_gk1 problem

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Sat May 29, 2010 2:20 pm

a little complex problem. I want that the header and all top modules stay on frontpage when you click on a Read more Button from a "mod_news_pro_gk1" on top (1,2,3,4,etc.) position. I know on the demo page it isn't that way. Anyway i checked that for my own template by copying the mod_news_pro_gk1-modul "popular" and just change the category and the ID from 66 to 80. Nothing else. But the behavior is absolut different. The one modul opens only the article itself, header and all the other modules disappear and with the other modul the article appears and all the frontpage modules stay at the front.

The only difference i can see is the kind of the "Read more" Link. In the one way the link is as follows:

Code: Select all

and in the other (where all modules disappears) is it:
Code: Select all

But i can't find the way to change the linktype. With the Joomlaeditor "Readmore" i have noc success and the parameters from the news_pro modul i haven't change anything.

Has somebody any idea?

thanks markus
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