bullets and other Typography are not working (not showing) in K2 with this template.
Test here:
and see picture (an other Template) please.
Regards, Thomas.
It isn't recommended to remove .article-content from selectors because then you can get some typography styles in places which isn't connected with the article content - some components uses the same class names. If you want to get some typography element you have to add selectors with selector for this element.
.article-content p.info1{...}
.test p.info1,
.article-content p.info1{...}
.itemBody .bullet4,
.itemFullText .bullet4{}
I thought the upgrade was already realised ... But You can also try my production for K2 from this topic http://www.gavick.com/forum/1-general-d ... html#48666
Did You find what You need at the updates or You used my file?