Where to find locations to make changes (thanks)

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GK User
Thu May 06, 2010 5:57 am
First of all, I want to thank you for making such a great looking product. I am new to Joomla and did not quite understand the "quickstart" option, so I jumped in and started working with the corporate2 template.

Now, I am almost too far to go back and do the quickstart option, so without the documentation (I know it is coming) I am at a loss how to fix a few areas of my site.

I am pretty good at trial and error, so if you point me to the right location, I might be able to figure it out.

My site in progress: http://www.chicagopaws.com/Joomla/

My questions:

Where do I find the area to change "Title Small" and "Title Big"?

How do I make the image and the text area in the Photoslide GK3 extend to the border, so there isn't a frame around it? If I change the size of the area, the border remains.

One of the arrows on the outside of the Photoslide area is cutoff and I don't know how to fix this?

In the highlighter, I am having the same problem with the border. If I change the height in the module manager, the frame around it remains.

Lastly, I can't get the highlighter to show news. I have all my content in K2 and I could not get anything to show, so I made dummy sections, categories and articles directly in Joomla and they still would not show. Any suggestions? Can I use K2 for this, or does the content have to be in Joomla?

Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate your hard work.
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GK User
Fri May 07, 2010 3:21 pm

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GK User
Sat May 08, 2010 8:30 pm
Where do I find the area to change "Title Small" and "Title Big"?

In the module parameters you have
Code: Select all
list_title_small=TITLE small;
list_title_big=TITLE BIG;

How do I make the image and the text area in the Photoslide GK3 extend to the border, so there isn't a frame around it? If I change the size of the area, the border remains.

Try adding the suffix : clear in the module parameters (add a space before the word "clear")
One of the arrows on the outside of the Photoslide area is cutoff and I don't know how to fix this?

i don't know

Can I use K2 for this, or does the content have to be in Joomla?

highlighter show joomla news.
i think gavick team is working in integration of gavick tools and K2
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GK User
Sun May 09, 2010 1:28 am
Thanks, Junior Boarder!
Just in case anyone is as new as I am. You literally just add that text as mentioned.

At the top of the module window it says, "Module Class Suffix" -- put ": clear" without the quotes.

For the title, just add it anywhere in the settings portion:

list_title_small=This is the small title;
list_title_big=This is the big title;

Anyone else know the other question:

One of the arrows on the outside of the Photoslide area is cutoff and I don't know how to fix this?


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GK User
Mon May 10, 2010 8:29 pm
Sorry but I cannot see the arrows - did you hide its ?
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GK User
Mon May 10, 2010 8:51 pm
When I added the : clear code above the arrows disappeared. I am still curious, in case it happens again, how to adjust that. Thanks.

I do have another question, as long as I have you! How do I move the text up in the bottom where it says, "Want your dog to be better behaved?" There is too much space above.


Is that the codes found on this page: http://demo.gavick.com/joomla15/apr2010 ... &Itemid=98

Do I use : clear there as well?

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GK User
Mon May 10, 2010 10:02 pm
You have to put your module into "header" position not one of header1/header2/header3/header4 positions - I hope it helps.
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