bkrztuk wrote:When the menu list scrolls down in admin panel you see the language flags ? Please check also language switcher settings whether it not loads always default Home menu.
Yes, I see the language flags for each language in the menu list.
When you say language switcher do you mean the module or the language filter plugin? I checked both and didn't find anything about not loading the default Home menu, is it somewhere else?
As a temporary solution I have added this css in the template settings:
DIV#gkMenu DIV.gk-menu UL.gkmenu.level0 LI.first
display: none;
But I don't know if this is a clean way of doing.
And since we are on the subject, when I click on a flag I do not see the component. Each language specific Home menu options is Featured Articles type and I have assigned articles to particular languages as well as categories but I still cannot see any content when clicking on the flags. On the other hand, when I click on the Main menu language specific Home(s) which are the same menu type (Featured Articles) then I see the particular language home page, again am I missing something?