More Photoslide GK3 Module Errors in Admin!

Create music content based Joomla website with this professional and cutting edge template created for Joomla 1.5
GK User
Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:58 am
Well it seems there is more than just a server issue at hand. Now after uploading and using the versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL, Photoslide GK3 does not work on the Administrator end for some reason.

This is becoming very distressing to say the least, as it seems no matter what version of Server or PHP I use there is always some error.

An important question that I have not seen any answers to anywhere.
What platform versions do Gavick progamme templates and modules for?

Apache - Version?
MySQL - Version?
PHP - Version?

If You Could state clearly with your documentation the system requirements, i.e, server and PHP or MySQL then it would save hassle and time knowing which templates work with what.

I have attached a screen shot so you can clearly see what the problem is.


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GK User
Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:52 am
I just found out the problem. It actually has to do with 2 files

They try to access your RSS feeds and when the connection times out it cause errors. The same goes for Tabs Manager GK3 I had the same errors and that was the same problem.

I think it would be fair to update anyone who has been having a similar problem as me.

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Junior Boarder

Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:39 pm

Are You sure? I think that Photoslide and tabs use standard articles. Also this error was not mentioned before. Can You give some more details ?
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GK User
Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:52 am
The error is not with the Photoslide in itself. It has to do with the Admin in loading your RSS feed, it doesn't load properly and therefore cause Photoslide to not fully load in the Admin section.

Here are the lines I commented out so it could work. It is now wroking perfect after I removed this
/* function loadGavickRSS()
$option_model = new ModelOption();
$modal_news = (int) $option_model->getOption('modal_news');
$uri =& JURI::getInstance();
$rssNews = '';
$rssNews = file_get_contents('');
$xml = & JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple');
$rssNews = str_replace(' xmlns:atom=""', '',$rssNews);
$rssNews = str_replace('<atom:link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="" />', '', $rssNews);

$rssNews = '';

for($i = 0; isset($xml->document->channel[0]->item[$i]) && $i < 3; $i++)
$rssNews .= '<li><h3><a href="'.$uri->root().'administrator/index.php?option=com_gk3_photoslide&'.(($modal_news) ? 'tmpl=component&' : '').'c=news&task=view_news&num='.$i.'" '.(($modal_news) ? ' class="modal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 400}}"' : '').'>'.$xml->document->channel[0]->item[$i]->title[0]->data().'</a></h3><small>'.substr($xml->document->channel[0]->item[$i]->pubDate[0]->data(), 0 , -6).'</small><p>'.substr(strip_tags($xml->document->channel[0]->item[$i]->description[0]->data()), 0, 115).' <a href="'.$uri->root().'administrator/index.php?option=com_gk3_photoslide&'.(($modal_news) ? 'tmpl=component&' : '').'c=news&task=view_news&num='.$i.'" '.(($modal_news) ? ' class="modal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 400}}"' : '').'>'.JText::_('READ_MORE').'...</a></p></li>';
$rssNews = '<li>'.JText::_('NEWS_PARSE_ERROR').'</li>';
$rssNews = '<li>'.JText::_('NEWS_NO_CONFIGURATION').'</li>';

return $rssNews;
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Junior Boarder

Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:04 pm

Have You updated Photoslide to the latest version ? I believe that this error has been fixed already. Please also disable news feed in Photoslide configuration.
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