OK, the new template looks great. However, you absolutely must fix the description shown on your front-page blog link (http://www.gavick.com/component/content ... plate.html).
Here's my suggested edits (you are free to use it as is):
Feel like your current site design is missing something? Not enough energy? Doesn't move fast enough? If so, you need our latest template -- Hewahoo!
Show off your actions and your music with our lively but professional design.
Let everyone view your most appealing articles and your latest news. Present the latest gossip about music stars or other celebrities in a sophisticated and playful format! Be more familiar with your community, creating a stream of videos and news.
Are you trying to create a fascinating adventure for your visitors? Want to offer a unique site that announces your roaring success? Need something to cheer you up? Don't wait. Have fun with our Hewahoo template.