How do i change my Section/Categoty/ Module Title Color in joomla

Advanced newspaper or magazine Joomla template to build news website with unique and detailed design.
GK User
Fri May 20, 2011 10:51 am
Pls i need your help fast. I have search every where in my template folder. yet i could not find where to chamge and modify Section/Category/ Module Title Colour which it default colour now is Black to another color i wish like Red.

Pls help me to solve.

In the Category like , Blog , Commentry, Consumer Affairs on the left hand side.

and Some at the right hand. and Economic Outlook and Articles & feature.

These are the Section and category i created while some of them is done by Module.

so i want the Category/Section and Module Title colour change to Red

I have attache some screen shot here. this is my site
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Fresh Boarder

Konrad M
Mon May 23, 2011 6:24 am
I'm not sure but I think I told you how to do it on support ticket sytem.
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