Login button IS translated
Logout IS NOT translated
Register button is translated ONLY in "Create account page" (option=com_user&view=register)
Little bug(?): If the visitor choose to create his account through the "Create account page" when the REGISTER pop up is enable he will get an error and the account won't be created. Not sure if its a bug since the system expects the account to be created through the popup.
What I need to know is:
1. What is the .ini file that I should add the REGISTER=ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗ & LOGOUT=ΑΠΟΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ lines
2. Why it does translate the register word only on the create account page (I am just weird)
3. How I can disable and hide the "create account" option on the Login pop up window so I won't get the registration errors I said before (I want to enable the REGISTER POP UP). Maybe just adjust the size of the pop up? (I know how to do that).
My page is PROPONTIDA.GR but I only run the LOGIN POP up for the reason I descriped above.
Thank you.