Mainbody GK News- 1 Category Display Three Columns

Advanced newspaper or magazine Joomla template to build news website with unique and detailed design.
GK User
Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:38 pm
By default, the quickstart shows 3 categories for each section in GK News, but in my site there is only one category per section. I am trying to figure out how to have only one category, but display in 3 columns across, versus stacked in one column. SO with one category, it will show 3 thumbnails and articles across.

Please help!
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:08 am

I think this is a customization issue. You can set it next to each other using css for example.
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GK User
Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:20 am
Thanks for the reply.
Any suggestions as to how?

I am using the default- GK1 v.1.0.0

Thanks in advance!
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:24 am

Please show me Your site. I'll see if it's even possible.
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GK User
Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:27 am
Thanks, Heres the dev site-
removed link

note the first section is AMC/AMCOM, under has one single category of "news", there are more articles, but its only showing one and in one column.

Thanks for your help!
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:50 pm

It's easier tha I thought :) You can just enable this modules at for example user1, user2, user3 positions :)
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GK User
Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:32 am

It's easier tha I thought :) You can just enable this modules at for example user1, user2, user3 positions :)

Thank you so much for your reply, my apologies for the delayed response, got pulled over to complete another project. This unfortuantely cant possibly work for what I am trying to acheive. With GK News in one module posiition, per the demo-default, it allows sections to be sortable and editable. I just need to have it show 3 columns from one category versus 1 column per category for 3 categories.

Let me explain a little further. I am pretty desperate to find a solution to make this work.

Here is the default template with the GKNews module in action.
Notice the section headings, the 3 columns of categories with one lead article per category->


Here is the current state of the module of my site in progress. I only have one category per section. So this is showing one single column and not across in three columns as I am trying to achieve.->


THIS is the goal. One category under each section showing the 3 latest articles from one category horizontally. ->


I am really hoping for a solution.
Thanks again and I have my desperate fingers crossed!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:59 pm
I have resolved this. Thanks for your help.
Due to the time constraint, I ended up having to pay someone to fix this for me.
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:10 pm

Yeap sorry for that. I've just digg throught mails to Your question. This should be made like I've said before using User1, User2, User3 positions. This will automaticaly set each module in one column and 3 columns will appear next to each other.
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