Good day to you gentlemen I was hoping that you could help me out.
I have been trying for a couple hours to change the background of my site into an image. I have read most threads pertaining to this but am still having issues here is what I have done.
First I uploaded a file named "background.png" in to both the /public_html/images and the /public_html/templates/gk_twn/images file. All I have seen is images/background.png so to ensure i covered my bases so on and so on
Second I entered "background:transparent url(images/background.png) repeat;" into
the body portion of the template.css located in
I assume the body portion now looks like this
body {
background:transparent url(images/background.png) repeat;
at first I put it under the 3 prior lines in the section and had no luck, so I deleted them and this is what I have now.
I am not using the compressed template.css I just double checked.
The site is (One of the advantages of reading prior posts lol)
Thanks Guys