Using, The World News II template I have this problem , I searched the forum but I don't found the problem to my question.
I used the joomla wiki to create the language for english and italian
So I have 2 Modules ( Menu Italian and Menu English )
in the menu settings of joomla I have 3 main menu ( General menu , Italian Menu and English Menu )
General menu has only the HOME item
Italian menu has
English menu has
So.... when I'm trying to load the two language modules (italian and english modules) in the "mainmenu" position ( the General menu module is shutted down ) there's coming a problem:
I see on the mainmenu only the ITEM HOME.
I found the problem , the problem is the template....yes...
In advanced proprierties of the template, the voice menu has a setting called "Menu name"
There I can choose betwen the menu's I've created before ( General menu , Italian Menu and English Menu )
The problem is there because that option show me only the menu I choose...
The problem should be fixed by choosing more than one single menu to show, but there isn't any option to do this.
How can I do this to resolve this problemzzzz???
Perhaps I should change something in the php files of the template....But I don't know where and how...
Some one can help me here please???
thank you,