Going through my site I discovered a small cosmetic bug in the Quay Jomsocial template when using the latest (as of this date) Quay JomSocial template.
As you can see in the attached image (before.gif) the logout tab seems a bit obscured when a user is logged in.
I found that the padding number code inside the style.css file (line 203). The path to this css file is: components/com_community/templates/gk_quay_blue/css/
- Code: Select all
#community-wrap #cToolbarNav.cToolbar ul#cToolbarNavList li#toolbar-item-logout a { color: #378ADF!important; padding:6px 0 0 !important; }
has to changed from 6px to 0px to look better so line 203 should read:
- Code: Select all
#community-wrap #cToolbarNav.cToolbar ul#cToolbarNavList li#toolbar-item-logout a { color: #378ADF!important; padding:0px 0 0 !important; }
The result can be seen in the attached image (after.gif).