Gavick is loosing appeal.
These templates are always the same... the negative trend started with Postnote, then we saw a long list of templates that can be considered nearly the same: Cherry design, Postnote, Coffee, AppSite, AppPhone etc...
The only good templates in the middle where PixelLove and Musicity...
No templates for websites like: financial news websites, newspapers/news websites, gossip/girl world websites, websites for web tvs, web radios, websites for online games portals etc, websites for tech/iphone/phones news, websites for holidays/trips, websites for hotels, websites for local news, ...
there is plenty of choice but not everytime the same type of template...
I'm a bit disappointed to be honest on the last templates... and I really look forward to see a template for a financial news website, for local news websites and for a website related to holidays, hotels, flights, summer etc...