I am reasonably new to Joomla and am a bit confused as to how i edit the Gavick Template/Joomla modules without losing changes or causing future issues when upgrading Joomla, the template or a module such as Virtuemart.
As an example I want to add a thumbnail image into the Virtuemart cart checkout form.
Can you please tell me the best practice for customising the template in Joomla 3.
1. Should i copy the whole template first and edit this new instance preserving the original template for reference? This seems to be the consensus of the articles I have read.
(I have followed this guide https://docs.joomla.org/J2.5:Modifying_a_Joomla!_Template
but still get lots of errors in the template manager when I try to use the new copy)
2. If I am using overrides to edit Virtuemart here… templates\gk_storefront\html \com_virtuemart\cart
Will these ever be overwritten when upgrading Joomla the Gavick template or modules?
Thanks in advance.