sorry, but as you know this template in J1.5 verson and J3.x is officially not supported anymore.
If you client need this same template, you have to hire one of Gavick moderators for private job.
But before I have 3 questions:
1) Now this website using a Joomla 1.5, yes? or Maybe J2.5?
2) Template ok, but what about content migration you will do it ?
3) It must be this same Gavern template framework or it doesn't matter, because front-end must be this same only.
I'm asking about it, because those are very important question and can help to set a price/time for this task.
If you budget for it, no problem. Just send me PM or ask other guys.
But remember this may be not upgrade but migration processes, sometimes it means almost building site from beginning with old content only.
I made few before so I know that is not so simple.