I am testing everything here:
And could you help me to understand K2 and virtue mart relations. How can I add "add to cart" in the product that was created in K2. I can see this option in mystore quickstart, there is K2 store field "Item Price" and if I install only template with K2, K2 store I can't find this opportunity.
Update: the K2 store plugin was not enabled, but now another problem. The cart in the top is always empty, but if I choose to add again it remembers how much I already added so on checkout I see correct number, but the cart on top shows 0. This is also true for mystore quick install. If item from K2 then cart on top is empty, if item from VM then everything is OK. Check it on quick install:
http://prezikai.lt/index.php?option=com ... Itemid=191