I dont need You to upload rockwell screenshot. I need You to take screenshot of GameNews and show where You would like to see this additional column.
Now if You inspect your homepage You will find, that there are:
- Code: Select all
<section> id="gkContent" />
<aside id="gkSidebar" />
(two columns) in first row, then
- Code: Select all
section id="gkTop2" />
that is full width
and again:
- Code: Select all
<section> id="gkContent" />
<aside id="gkSidebar" />
(two columns) in first row (Warining - element's ID should be unique!)
So because I still dont know where this aditional column should be, I can only say, that You need to wrap elements in aditional div, then add floated aditional column, and change styles to inside elements so they will fit in wider space.
This kind of redesigning is beyond our standard support.