I've been here a while, been peddling Gavick templates for years, but I can't sell one of the new templates to save my life. Nobody wants a site made with these minimalist HUGE picture templates. Not many of my customers are taking their own photos so they have to go rip them off other sites and the size and quality is variable.
To put this in perspective, Gavick used to have a base grid and then only activated the mudules that where needed for the design. Now all other module positions are ripped from the template. This forces my customers to try to use these huge images because they can't use any other module positions but those that come with the template design.
At a minimum all Gavick templates should come with GK News module layout, I'm not saying you guys have to used them all but they sure as hell should be there for the end user to use if we want to or need to.
Perfect production template would be a template that looks like GK Gamersnews header and menu but has GK News module layout, modules styled like Fashion.