I've got a couple of sites where I am trying to integrate Community Builder plugin from www.joomlapolis.com
I have the same problem for Music and World News II Joomla 2.5 templates.
The point is: When I install and activate Community Builder (CB) in either of these gavick templates, the 'register' link on login interface title should point to 'index.php/component/comprofiler/registers' which the user refistration form for CB. However, in this templates, the 'register' link on top of login form still links to regultar user registration (index.php?option=com_users&view=registration ).
(sorry image interface is spanidh version).
I wonder If any of you would you kindly tell my how can I fix this login form. Just If I can disable the 'register' link on top of it could solve my problems.
Best regards,
Javi Sanchez