For example, the following page http://www.amsperformance[DOTCOM]/motografik_cart/home.php loads a header into an iframe from another page: http://www.ams.motografik[DOTCOM]/products/ebay-store
It works perfectly fine on desktop computers but loads the mobile template in the iframe when viewing the X-Cart store on mobile devices.
What I'm looking to do is remove some of the gap that's viewable on the mobile devices...I tried using media queries but no matter what it won't work and I think it has to do with the X-Cart store not having a native mobile template and it goes full's the CSS override I tried using:
- Code: Select all
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 320px)
and (max-device-width : 480px) {
#header {
height: 85px!important;
#page-container {
margin-top: 85px!important;
Overall I think a decent fix for now (until customer wants a mobile template for X-Cart store) would be to disable the mobile detection from that certain page or when loaded into the iframe...any overrides that might achieve that?