No I don't think have the wrong approach.
I hope we just disagree on the script to use.
jQuery Masonry is the right approach. It doesn't break tablets.
If the the approach is to use a JS to create a smarter "float" wherein the objects are reordered according to size while disabling the zoom features of many devices then the approach is a stellar success. (sarcasm)
I don't think you always need to fill out 100% of the screen. (especially If I don't want it viewed any larger then XXXX pixels)
I think the Kindle and iPad do an super, duper, excellent job scaling the websites. (I don't have an Android so I can't speak for that device)
I find almost every mobile template menu difficult to navigate - one big drop-down menu - or something similar.
Also the end user may want to scale. Everyone in my house uses scale religiously. I would actually leave a website and go someplace else if that feature is disabled. -- Disabling right click is another script I hate because I open links in new tabs constantly.
In fact when I was playing with the new music template. I wanted a page with no modules - just a single page. However the template was floated left and 800px wide which looked a bit too 1999 for me.
So I played with it in firebug and got it to center with a wrapper but I would of had to find where the 800px index file thing was, Needless to say it was easier just to forget about it and use something else.
But the deal killer for me is the Javascript in the template disabling the most important feature of a lot of mobile devices and I am sure that will freak people out. They will think there device is broken momentarily, and that is what I don't want.
Like I stated above another company or two are making responsive templates that don't render tablet device features usless. And doesn't force me to make multiple templates for each device.
In this market most people don't have money for any more then one website layout, so having to create multiple layouts with multiple menus, multiple modules and multiple forms, for various devices is really only for "big big budget" companies.
I am sure Gavick will fix this. He and his team always get it right and create amazing tools.
But until then the templates with this feature are off limits just because they break tablets.
I will try some other companies until this gets resolved, unfortunately the other companies don't style K2 like you guys do at Gavick. I like k2 simplicity and k2's image creating features along with your modules. like the news show pro -
Any hoot, I'll check back next month and see whats new.