Duplicate and Rename Template

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GK User
Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:13 am
Hey guys! Here's a question (couldn't find an answer on my travels through the forums).

We all know you can apply different templates to different menu items, however I'd like to take a Gavick Template and apply the different colours of the template to different menu items. I'd also like to apply a different colour when a user is logged in.

The only way I can think of doing this is to have multiple copies of the Gavick Template installed (eg. gk_myfolio_blue, gk_myfolio_red, gk_myfolio_purple).

I created three copies of the gk_myfolio zip with the above folder names, then went through the templateDetails.xml, component, offline, index and any other files and replaced every instance fo gk_myfolio with the respective new template name.

I installed the out-of-the-box gk_myfolio template to the website via Extensions>Install.

I then zipped them up and tried to install the new ZIPs via Extensions>Install but they didn't work (JFolder :: folder doesn't exist warning, etc).

I left all of the copyright details intact.

I've added this to General Discussion as it's not specifically a MyFolio template inquiry.

Am I missing something?
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