I think one of the reasons why RT is able to spend more time playing with CSS instead of actually designing great templates is that they seem to be churning out websites with the same identical base framework, just packageing it with different graphical elements in the backend. Unlike Gavick, who's templates are DRASTICALLY different from template to the next...
This is one of the reasons why I lilke Gavick... so - I'm begging - don't go that route and make all your templates based on the same wireframe here... Keep up what you are doing, and don't change the way you do things... I dumped RT because all of their templates pretty much look the same...
As for the Bonus Templates... I personally don't feel that Gavick needs to... It's a "gift"... it shouldn't be expected by the users... asking for bonus templates should delay a bonus release, so that when it actually does show up in fact, its a surprise bonus for everyone! (My opinion again... I know most of you here think I should be paying the 2 1/2 cents every time I open my mouth, but I don't have it... I've got some coffee and cheesecake though I can share! LOL)