All I expect is a new template roughly once a month,any issues I have I prefer to work out for myself,that's the best way to learn. This constant referencing of the other template club is helping nobody,the truth is you wouldn't be a Gavick customer if the other supplier was any good. So they might listen to your gripes but as a subscriber to both clubs in my opinion they lack the talent of the Gavick team.
You can't have it all so take your pick and make your choice,if you want uncreative bland templates but good customer service then you know where to go,if on the other hand you prefer templates crafted by very talented people who are obviously short staffed but trying their best then stick around.
That is life chaps,the creative geniuses are often best left to do just that,create and inspire. Personally I would sooner Robert spent his time doing what he is good at,rather than posting on forums and pandering to the vocal minorities every whim.
That's my thoughts on the subject and I also wanted Robert to know that he does have some happy customers