rhantson wrote:
It baffles my mind once in a while when I read the kind of stuff I'm reading here - not only here at Gavick, but on EVERY other Template site out there. Its the same issue, and people don't really undestand what a Template Club is at all...
I'm in NO WAY a CSS guru - and to expand a bit on my earlier comments - Joomla can be a BEAST when it comes to some templates out there spreading the same templates CSS areas across multiple templates... I can name TWO who are notorious about it, and don't put the CSS files in the proper locations to make them easy to find either...
How do "newbies" to the world of Joomla overcome this problem? Well, simply put, get a book on CSS or just browse the many sites who have plenty of CSS tutorials out there... Also - get a copy of Dreamweaver or some other WYSIWYG ready web design software suite... Open your CSS in these files, and just work with them on your site... and get the color schemes the way you want them...
Also - you can just ASK for HELP from the community... Rather than going off on the club 'staff' developers and demand they do the same thing XYZ template club does, why not just ask for help learning how to customize yourself.
Remember - what YOU may think is a bad look, someone else may say --- WOW! I wouldn't change a thing! (Do I like the design of this template? not exactly, I don't like the colors at all... but I know with the right tweaks using the PSD files, and fiddling with the CSS, I can make it LOOK however I want).
You can too... you may not know how right now, but you can learn how... and I am sure there are a TON of people who would help you just to get you guys to stop complaining... the object is to ASK for that help - not demand someone do it for you just because you spent a hundred dollars on their club.
The problem is there are too many people that pretend to be a Web Development company because they can use Joomla and Template clubs to provide a product. A product they can't support, bring creativity to or anything that will really benefit a company.
Now you don't have to be a "developer" to provide solid services to your client. You just have to be resourceful and bring in others to your project to do what you can't do. I'm not a true developer, I provide other skill sets to my client projects. What I can't do, I don't rely on a template club for, I bring in other developers.
The people that bitch and complain here are the people that give our industry a bad name. They don't bring in the proper people to work on their projects. They just want to make a quick buck by giving a company a CMS with a template. Too bad there is way more to being successful on the internet.