How can I add a image background to Corporate LTD template? can the image be fixed and the content floats over it?
Thanks for the help,
body#bd {
background: url("../images/your_image") no-repeat fixed center center;
Konrad Mlynarczykowski wrote:Hi
Try add to override.css
- Code: Select all
body#bd {
background: url("../images/your_image") no-repeat fixed center center;
and copy image to images template folder. Of course remember to enable override.css option in template settings.
teitbite wrote:Hi
Try to add it at the end of template_css.css file
Konrad Mlynarczykowski wrote:It means that you add rules to body selector which has id="bd".
Konrad Mlynarczykowski wrote:Can you explain a little more where you want to put it ?
Konrad Mlynarczykowski wrote:Ok. One thing more can You show me hat image You want to put ?
Konrad Mlynarczykowski wrote:Try put it inside div 'wrapper_main'