Tabs Manager GK3 - Edit tab - set tab content

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GK User
Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:49 am

A newbie to GK3 Tabs manager and just trying to understiand how this all works. I am trying to create an additional tab in a Group and when I creazte the settings, the 'module position' defaults to top_nav despite selecting other module positions from the drop down box.

Tab name
Select tab type
Tab access
Tab published
Module position

Appreciate some help on this please.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:22 pm

If you want to create tab module type on Tabs Manager group, it is strongly recommended that you use tabs module position available on our templates.
Them you need only to publish your module on this position and enable to all pages.

If you aren't using one of our template, you can create additional modules for tabs (as many as you want) on templateDetails.xml file.

I recommend that you download the HelpFile and check out for more instructions.

Cheers ;)
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