Can you change the position of the main menu so that it no longer sits in the suckerfish menu position?
If so, how?
What I did was comment the div tag out in the index.php file rather than delete it as you never know when you may need it back.
This is what it looked like:
<div id="wrapper_menu">
<div id="horiz-menu" class="clearfix<?php echo ($menu_type == 'standard') ? '' : ' moomenu';?>">
<?php echo $main_navigation;?>
This is what it looks like now:
<!-- <div id="wrapper_menu">
<div id="horiz-menu" class="clearfix<?php echo ($menu_type == 'standard') ? '' : ' moomenu';?>">
<?php echo $main_navigation;?>
</div> -->
By doing this, nothing in the overall template was effected.
I hope this helps other users.