Running Joomla! 2.5.7
Looking for a way to have a different "Default page" for the mobile layout then the "Default page" for the desktop layout.
My menu structure:
Desktop Layout:
Main Menu > Home (set as default menu item)
Mobile Layout for example iPhone:
Mobile Main Menu > Mobile Home
The problem is when loading from a mobile device it loads the iPhone layout (as expected) but loads the Desktop Home page (or "Default menu item").
Less then ideal as my home page uses modules only, and they don't look good on mobile.
Is there a way to make this "Mobile Main Menu > Mobile home" as the default menu item for my mobile layouts while keeping "Main Menu > Home" as the default menu item for the desktop layout?
If not i think it time for me to find a new template, and structure for our site
Thanks for any ideas anyone has for this issue