images in my articles do not show up. they show up in news show module, latest module, category blog layout listing, etc., everywhere but within article itself. what might be the problem? please help.
Senior Boarder
GK User
Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:05 am
I just realize that article's part to "read more" break is displayed category blog listing and when you click the title to read the whole article, part after "read more" break is there. because my first images are before the "read more" break, they do not show up. so, the actual problem is "read more"
any solution?
Senior Boarder
GK User
Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:19 am
In the global and menu settings there is an option to show or show hide intro text. If it's set to hide then the content above the read more break won't be visible in the full article view, if set to show the whole content will be displayed in article view.
This means you can use different layouts between the intro and full text version. If you want the same image in both using the hide function you would need to include the image above and below the read more break.