I have a module wich contains a word which is linked to an article.
When i press that link it displays the title of the article correctly except in displays "Articles" and after that the name of the article. The word "articles" is not supposed to appear.
Now the weird thing... this only happens on the HOME link wich is defined as the website default page. I know this is because i changed the menu default homepage to another link and it stopped showing the "articles" before the title of this article.
You can see it in action. www.cepe-canada.org/website and click on the link on the right which says "ESCOLAS COMUNITARIAS" and u'll see "artigos" written before the name of the article.
But if u navigate to another menu link and press escolas comunitarias u'll see that it doesn't show the "artigos" before the title.
I've checked every setting on the menu link and in the article and on the link itself using the editor.. so what's wrong ?
Any help would be appreciated.