Jomsocial IE9 errors for WNII

October 08 Joomla Templates
GK User
Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:49 pm
There are a number of template errors with the WNII template when viewing in IE9.

1. Jomsocial Profile page is all distorted. - major issue

2. Circular elements in Jomsocial appear square - minor issue

3. Jomsocial video section show irregular paging at the bottom, CSS misalignment. - minor issue

4. Once logged in and user directs to Jomsocial homepage - the far right "Search" module (blue) is mis aligned - minor issue

5. Friends section of Jomsocial has alignment issues - e.g. at the bottom of the friends section all the links are jumbled - e.g. Number of friends/send message - Major issue

6. Jomsocial Events section - NEARBY module on far right (blue) - search button to large - minor issue

7. Jomsocial Events section - EVENTS CALANDER module on far right (black) - date - previous/next feature all disjointed - major issue

8. Jomsocial buttons dont work - home, Notifications, friend invites, new messages. - major issue

Please correct these as your template does not function as advertised.

thank you

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GK User
Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:51 pm
KGComm wrote:There are a number of template errors with the WNII template when viewing in IE9.

1. Jomsocial Profile page is all distorted. - major issue

2. Circular elements in Jomsocial appear square - minor issue

3. Jomsocial video section show irregular paging at the bottom, CSS misalignment. - minor issue

4. Once logged in and user directs to Jomsocial homepage - the far right "Search" module (blue) is mis aligned - minor issue

5. Friends section of Jomsocial has alignment issues - e.g. at the bottom of the friends section all the links are jumbled - e.g. Number of friends/send message - Major issue

6. Jomsocial Events section - NEARBY module on far right (blue) - search button to large - minor issue

7. Jomsocial Events section - EVENTS CALANDER module on far right (black) - date - previous/next feature all disjointed - major issue

8. Jomsocial buttons dont work - home, Notifications, friend invites, new messages. - major issue

added more images
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GK User
Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:52 pm
KGComm wrote:There are a number of template errors with the WNII template when viewing in IE9.
1. Jomsocial Profile page is all distorted. - major issue

2. Circular elements in Jomsocial appear square - minor issue

3. Jomsocial video section show irregular paging at the bottom, CSS misalignment. - minor issue

4. Once logged in and user directs to Jomsocial homepage - the far right "Search" module (blue) is mis aligned - minor issue
5. Friends section of Jomsocial has alignment issues - e.g. at the bottom of the friends section all the links are jumbled - e.g. Number of friends/send message - Major issue
6. Jomsocial Events section - NEARBY module on far right (blue) - search button to large - minor issue
7. Jomsocial Events section - EVENTS CALANDER module on far right (black) - date - previous/next feature all disjointed - major issue

8. Jomsocial buttons dont work - home, Notifications, friend invites, new messages. - major issue

Added final images of errors
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GK User
Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:15 pm
Website is
Joomla! 1.7.1 Stable
Template version 1.7 (for joomla 1.7)
php v5.2.17
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GK User
Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:27 am
issue with browser IE 9.0.8112.16421
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