Logo in the line with menu and no margin in fixed menu-

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GK User
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:08 am
Hi, I would like to have a logo in the first screen like in this pic:

and when scroll down disabled logo, but without margin-left (I use margin left for main menu, but it's shown in fixed menu too...)
Now, when I scroll down I have a margin left from main menu in fixed menu, and when scroll up- logo change position to up...The same is with search module - when I scroll up, search is a few pixels up:

And I have problem with a language switcher design. I change a default design in choosen.css, but layout changed in administrator site too:

I don't know what I can do for fix it... Please, help! :)
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Senior Boarder

Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:37 am

choosen.css is a system style file, DO NOT CHANGE IT under any reason. If You need to make a style change to that simply override it by putting the same class with Your changes to /css/override.css file.

I do not quite understand what You are trying to do with the logo. What do You mean by "without margin-left". Also where is the search field? All I can see is a search icon which is leading to search component.
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