Show just title and date in article item preview

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GK User
Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:00 am
In portfolio template, there is some options to configure animation effect (like flip, scale, opacity...), and in advanced can indicate excerpt width, that shows article item preview. But how can I do to show just the title of the article and then the year of posting after the title.
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:42 pm

I'm not sure what You have in mind. Please tell me the url to the page with example and show where exactly.
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GK User
Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:31 pm

When u move ur mouse over the images it appears info about the article: The title and first words. I would like to hide first words and just show the title and the year of posting.

teitbite wrote:Hi

I'm not sure what You have in mind. Please tell me the url to the page with example and show where exactly.
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:25 pm

Please add this code to override.css and make sure override is enabled in template settings.

Code: Select all
.item__title {
    display: none;
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GK User
Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:08 pm
Ok. I wanted to show the title, not the summary, so I changed your code to .item__content and it works.

teitbite wrote:Hi

Please add this code to override.css and make sure override is enabled in template settings.

Code: Select all
.item__title {
    display: none;
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:15 pm

Ok. Sorry for misunderstanding. Glad You were able to solve it.
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