It seems basic to me but I can't seem to figure out how to do this: how do you display either full articles from a category (including articles from its subcategories) on the home page (most recent on top) like a standard blog (not just previews), or, article intros (but they show the entire text of the article)?
I want to schedule new articles to publish each day, but I want the home page to only display the newest article and push the last one to the next page, and so on, paginating older articles. It can use the blog layout, but it seems the default setting is to show only intros and links to the full article. Also, for some reason, even though I enter "1" for number of Leading Articles, Intro Articles and Links on the Blog Layout tab of the menu item (Home), it still shows more than one article preview when I refresh the page. I need some help here. Thanks in advance.