Hmm, that means I can no longer update your template without overriding my code. Pretty inconvenient. Anyway, I guess that's what I have to do because you use !important in your responsive css files, so I have no other way to override them.
For anyone who wants to do this, since Oscar's answer was a nice hint, but not particularly helpful, what I had to do (for the Storefront template at least) was edit /templates/gk_storefront/layouts/blocks/head.php and comment out this code:
- Code: Select all
if($this->API->get("css_override", '0')) {
$this->API->addCSS($this->API->URLtemplate() . '/css/override.css');
and then find this:
- Code: Select all
// add responsive stylesheets
and right below it add this:
- Code: Select all
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />';