I've seen different topics much or less about the same issue, still without an answer.
The issue regards the manufacturers module at the bottom of the homepage.
If I select as datasource the Joomla categories, the links will not work. At the "Images & links" tab I've tried to set different links but still it's not working.
If I select a different data source, for example Virtuemart categories, it will pop up a strange error, which I attach hereby.
So, I am blocked.
I need the people to be able to click on those images and to go on the category page (specifically, in my case the virtuemart categories): the fact that the visitors click on those manufacturers image and nothing happens except but topping up to the same homepage (as it is in your demo now) it's useless.
Please give us assistance, it will help many people.
Thank you a lot
If needed: this is my url: http://bookletnews.it/ . Attached the error.