Problem installing storefront with quick start package

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GK User
Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:45 am

I got a "nerver ending database installation" when installing storefront quick start package.
I have done all you ask in ... -fix-them/.

And it does not work.
All I have not done is trying a manually installation. I do not understand what exactly I have to do...
Run a manually installtion of Joomla! firsr ?

Could you please help me on giving me the steps to follow ?

Thank you in advance.
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Senior Boarder

Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:52 am

What do You mean install manually ? Quickstart package is only for manually install. You need to upload files to server than use it as any other joomla installation.

Issue with never ending database can happen if level of errors showing is to high or max time to execute script is too low. Both this problems are mentioned in documentation and You shoudl be able to do this or ask Your host provider to configure it for You.
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GK User
Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:12 am

"manually" is the title of your article !

Because I have done all the TIPS above...

teitbite wrote:Hi

What do You mean install manually ? Quickstart package is only for manually install. You need to upload files to server than use it as any other joomla installation.

Issue with never ending database can happen if level of errors showing is to high or max time to execute script is too low. Both this problems are mentioned in documentation and You shoudl be able to do this or ask Your host provider to configure it for You.
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Senior Boarder

Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:08 am

Ok. I'm not sure what article You have in mind, but for me the "manual" installation means that database is imported using phpMyAdmin (or other mySQL manager). The file with database You will find in /installation folder after unzipping the quickstart package and than create a configuration.php file by Yourself. So here are steps:

- download quickstart installation
- unpack it
- upload files to server
- in phpMyAdmin make an import of sql file You will find in /installation
- create a file called configuration.php (I've attached an example from my local installations, so You can use it and just change the settings)
- last thing is to remove /instalation folder
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GK User
Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:08 pm
Thank you for your answer.
Article is here : ... -fix-them/

Do I have to import all sl file ?
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Senior Boarder

Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:25 am

Only from /sql/mysql/ folder. A file called joomla.sql
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GK User
Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:48 am

Well, I 've tried several times and i keep having some little bugs...
I am going to create a new blank site using pure joomla! and VM et try to adapt it like on your demo...

Thank you for your help.
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Senior Boarder

Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:43 am

This way You will bring a whole lot of work we did already creating quickstart. Please better send me an access to ftp, database manager and I'll make it for You.
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