Hi everyone,
I'm working with the Meet Gavern template and have noticed an issue with the frontpage view of the quickstart installation when viewed horizontally on a Nexus 7 tablet.
The 'bootstrap' module in position mainbody (free joomla 3 template/gavern+bootstrap/responsive web design) displays with the 'responsive web design' section below the first two elements, instead of all three elements horizontally.
After checking the 'layouts' section of the template configuration and not finding any issue, I tried the official Gavick demo page for the Meet Gavern template on the tablet and the issue is there too.
I've tried changing the 'span4' parameters and tried using 'span3' in the custom output code, but having no joy. The 'span3' parameter bunches all three elements up tight and to the left. Are there ant changes I can apply to make this display correctly.
Ian Walker