I am writing this post so that other members may benefit from this.
I recently purchased and downloaded the Creativity template and learnt that the Quickstart file needs to be installed which contains Joomla + Sample data + Components/Modules.
Since i was using Siteground hosting i uploaded Quickstart zip package to the /public_html directory. Then i unzipped its contents to the /public_html directory and in the browser visited http://mydomain.com
The installer opened up and i proceeded by entering details about my site in Step 1. Then in Step 2 i specified the database credentials and name. All good so far. In step 3 it showed me whether my system was meeting installation criteria.
Everything under necessary settings was OK (Green) on the left side. On the rigth side one of the recommended settings "display_errors was set to ON" which should be OFF as recommended. Ignored that and moved forward. However on the last step the installation completed up to 30-50 % and looped back to Step 3. The installation didnt go through.
Hence, please note that the display errors should be set to OFF. How do you do this? Simply create a file in the /public_html directory and another in the /public_html/installation directory with the parameters
display_errors = off;
But the problem is that when you do this the setting MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC gets turned ON automatically. So to switch that OFF which is necessary you add another line to the file at both places as follows:
magic_quotes_gpc = Off;
Hence your php.ini files should have the two lines as:
display_errors = off;
magic_quotes_gpc = Off;
After this your installation will happen flawlessly!
Hope this helps someone in need
Kamal Akhtar